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High energy XAFS study of Sm: K-edge in Sm$$_{2}$$Fe$$_{17}$$Nx


笠谷 祐史*; 大村 正志*; 横山 克美*; 小林 久理真*; 西畑 保雄; 八木 健一郎*; 寺内 暉*

Kasatani, Hirofumi*; Omura, Masashi*; Yokoyama, Katsumi*; Kobayashi, Kurima*; Nishihata, Yasuo; Yagi, Kenichiro*; Terauchi, Hikaru*


High energy XAFS studies of Sm: K-edge in Sm2Fe17Nx with x = 0.0, <= 0.1, 0.5, 2.0 and 3.0 were carried out at room temperature in order to clarify the relation between the local structure around the Sm-atom and the change of the magnetic property due to the absorption of nitrogen atom. In the XANES region, we firstly found the change of Sm electron state by nitriding because of the change of the shape in the absorption edge junp. In the result of the EXAFS spectra, we confirmed that the Sm-Fe distance was expanded monotonously due to the absorption of N-atom.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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