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Report No.

Bifunctional cation exchange fibers having phosphoric and sulfonic acid groups

Jo, Akinori*; Okada, Kenji*; Tamada, Masao; Kume, Tamikazu; Sugo, Takanobu; Tazaki, Masato*

Bifunctional cation exchange fibers were synthesized by co-grafting of chloromethylstylene and styrene. on polyethylene-coated polypropylene fibers. The grafted fibers were fictionalized by Arbuzov reaction, suffonation, and acid hydrolysis. Batchwise evaluation of metal ion selectivity clarified that the bifunctional fiber exhibited cooperative recognition of metal ions by both functional groups. The bifunctional fiber took up Pb(II) more rapidly than the monofunctional phosphoric acid fiber and commercial resin adsorbent. Column-mode experiment revealed that flow rate was independent of break through profiles of Pb(II) up to flow rate of 900 h$$^{-1}$$ in space velocity.



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