Nonlocal transport related to dynamics along magnetic field line
滝塚 知典; 北條 仁士*; 羽鳥 尹承*
Takizuka, Tomonori; Hojo, Hitoshi*; Hatori, Tadatsugu*
Transport along field lines in magnetic confinement plasmas is reviewed. Collisionless and collisional-diffusive transports are discussed. Because of their fast transport, features of plasmas along field lines are apt to behave nonlocally. A nonlocal phenomenon of scrape-off layer (SOL) and divertor plasmas in a tokamak is introduced, whose asymmetry along field lines is induced by the thermoelectric instability related to the SOL current. A local phenomenon called MARFE can be brought by the strong radiation cooling. The "snake" with nonlocal feature along field lines but with local structure perpendicular to the field is observed in a tokamak core plasma. For mirror-confined plasmas, axial particle losses from the mirror ends, especially pitch-angle-sattering losses into the loss cone and nondiabatic losses due to the breakdown of adiabaticity of the magnetic moment, are also discussed in the relation to nonlocal axial transport.