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Report No.

Performance of ITER as a burning plasma experiment

Shimada, Michiya; Mukhovatov, V.*; Federici, G.*; Gribov, Y.*; Kukushkin, A.*; Murakami, Yoshiki*; Polevoi, A. R.*; Pustovitov, V. D.*; Sengoku, Seio; Sugihara, Masayoshi

Recent performance analysis has improved confidence in achieving Q $$>$$ 10 in inductive operation in ITER. Performance analysis based on empirical scaling shows the feasibility of achieving Q $$>$$ 10 in inductive operation with a sufficient margin. Theory-based core modeling indicates the need of high pedestal temperature (2-4 keV) to achieve Q $$>$$ 10, which is in the range of projection with pedestal scaling. The heat load of type-I ELM could be made tolerable by high density operation and further tilting the target plate (if necessary). Pellet injection from High-Field Side would be useful in enhancing Q and reducing ELM heat load. Steady state operation scenarios have been developed with modest requirement on confinement improvement and beta (HH98(y,2) $$>$$ 1.3 and betaN $$>$$ 2.6). Stabilisation of RWM, required in such regimes, is feasible with the present saddle coils and power supplies with double-wall structure taken into account.



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