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Report No.

Production of pressurized cladding tube specimen for neutron irradiation

Isozaki, Futoshi*; Kikuchi, Taiji; Ioka, Ikuo  ; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Hirata, Yuji*

The pressurized tube specimens which enclosed high pressure inert gas were produced for the irradiation creep test. The pressurized tube specimen with 7mm outer diameter and 0.5mm wall thickness must be sealed by the welding, after the helium gas was impressed in the inside of tube. In this process, there was a technical problem of welding under high pressure, and it is difficult to seal the pressurized tube specimen in the present facility of our group. The production process was examined by taking shortening in production period and reduction in the cost into consideration. The sealing technology to enclose the helium gas up to 5.5MPa was established by new technique using the present facility and the mock-up test. And, it is necessary to measure the outer diameter of the pressurized tube specimen with high accuracy in order to predict irradiation creep deformation arising from neutron radiation and internal pressure. Therefore, the method for measuring at the 0.01mm measurement accuracy was established, which combined laser measuring instrument with the lathe.



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