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Report No.

Development of tissue substitutes with high mass density

Kinase, Sakae   ; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Sakamoto, Yukio; Nakamura, Takashi*; Kimura, Masaya*

It is necessary to develop suitable tissue substitutes for the respiratory tract phantom. In the present study, optimum amounts of additive in the base materials were calculated in accordance with the basic data method. On the basis of the method, tissue substitutes with high mass density were made on an experimental basis. The substitutes were examined for the photon transmissions using 16.6 keV K-Xrays from Nb-93m and 59.5 keV gamma-rays from Am-241. It was found that the experimental transmission curves of the tissue substitutes are in good agreement with the calculated ones. Furthermore, mass attenuation coefficients for the tissue substitutes of the JAERI torso phantom were evaluated. It was found that the tissue substitutes are suitable as phantom materials and can simulate the body tissues defined in ICRP Publication.23.



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