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Report No.

Progress of negative ion source improvement in N-NBI for JT-60U

Kawai, Mikito; Akino, Noboru; Ebisawa, Noboru; Grisham, L. R.*; Hanada, Masaya; Honda, Atsushi; Inoue, Takashi; Kazawa, Minoru; Kikuchi, Katsumi*; Kuriyama, Masaaki; Kusanagi, Naohito*; Mogaki, Kazuhiko; Noto, Katsuya*; Oga, Tokumichi; Oshima, Katsumi*; Tanai, Yutaka*; Umeda, Naotaka; Usui, Katsutomi; Yamamoto, Takumi; Yamazaki, Haruyuki*; Watanabe, Kazuhiro

The negative ion source for negative ion based neutral beam injector(N-NBI) of JT-60U aims at generating a negative ion beam with 500 keV and 22A for 10s. The N-NBI system was completed in 1996, followed by starting the efforts to increase beam power and energy. (1)Spatial non-uniformity of the source plasma causes position-dependent divergence of a beamlet due to mis-matching of local beam perveance. A part of the divergent energetic beams is intercepted by the grids and resultantly produce the excessive heat load of the grids and/or induce the high voltage breakdown. So several techniques to take measures against and to correct the non-uniformity in these sources were implemented. (2)Correction of beamlet deflection by adjusting the electric field at the extraction grids. It improved the beam divergence and then decreased an excessive heat load of a beam limiter by more than 50 %. As a result, the maximum injection power 6.2MW and beam pulse duration 10 seconds were obtaind.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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