Language |
: | English |
Journal |
: | |
Volume |
: | 82 |
Number |
: | |
Pages |
: | p.239 - 242 |
Publication Year/Month |
: | 1998/00 |
Meeting title |
: | |
Held date |
: | 1997/10 |
Location (city) |
: | Sendai |
Location (country) |
: | Japan |
Paper URL |
: |
Keywords |
: | 金属酸化物; 固液界面; 酸化還元; ランタニド; TRU核種; 吸着実験; 脱離実験; pH; 吸着メカニズム; MnO |
Accesses |
: |
- Accesses |
Altmetrics |
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