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Report No.

Angle-dispersive diffraction measurement system for high-pressure experiments using a multichannel collimator

Yaoita, Kenichi*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Tsuji, Kazuhiko*; Kikegawa, Takumi*; Shimomura, Osamu

An optical device called a multichannel collimator (MCC) was developed to rapidly perform an angle-dispersive diffraction using a multi-anvil press (MAP) with synchrotron radiation. The MCC consists of multiple channels of collimators in a radial alignment. This eliminates diffraction from the materials surrounding the sample so that we can obtain high-quality diffraction from samples in a MAP using an imaging plate. We have installed a MCC system on a MAP named MAX90 at the Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics. Performance of the MCC has been satisfactorily evaluated, and diffraction patterns of liquid sodium and liquid gallium under 4.8 GPahave been succesfully obtained using this system.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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