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Report No.

Impact behavior of mercury droplet

Date, Hidefumi*; Futakawa, Masatoshi  ; Ishikura, Shuichi*

In order to examine the impact behavior of mercury, which is one of important key-issues in a facility for high intensity neutron sources, the falling and colliding profiles of mercury droplets were recorded by high-speed video recorder. The impact force was also measured using the strain gage glued on an elastic bar. The falling mercury droplet oscillated between a prolate spheroid and an oblate one, repeatedly. The regathering and jumping of mercury at the collision point on the impact face of the target were observed after impact because of the strong surface tension of mercury. The impact force of mercury droplet was in proportion to the impact velocities and the square root of the potential energy. Scince the non-dimensional duration time K that obtained experimentally is independent of the impact velocity and the size of the droplet, the mean applied stress due to the mercury droplet against the target is easily predictable by the equatiion using K value and the impact velocity is known.



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