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 年 ~ 

Simple determination of low power on reflected reactors using Feynman-$$alpha$$ experiment


岡嶋 成晃  ; 成田 正邦*; 小林 圭二*

Okajima, Shigeaki; Narita, M.*; Kobayashi, Keiji*


When a low power meter for a reactor is calibrated by using the Feynman-$$alpha$$ methode, the absolute power is obtained by the product of the power deduced from the one-point reactor formula and the ${it g}$-factor which was introduced as the spatila correction factor on the Rossi-$$alpha$$ measurement. In this paper, for the purpose of ezperimental usage, formulae of the ${it g}$-factor for the different geometries are derived by one speed approximation and its characteristics are systematically surveyed. A simple formula of the ${it g}$-factor for a spherical core is presented and applied. This formula can estimate the value of the ${it g}$-factor with appropriate accuracy.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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