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Electronic structure and the fermi surface of UTGa$$_{5}$$ (T=Fe, Co, Rh)

Maehira, Takahiro; Higuchi, Masahiko*; Hasegawa, Akira*

The relativistic energy-band calculations have been carried out for $${rm UFeGa_{5}}$$, $${rm UCoGa_{5}}$$ and $${rm URhGa_{5}}$$ under the assumption that 5$$f$$-electrons are itinerant. A hybridization between the U 5$$f$$ state and Ga 4$$p$$ state occurs in the vicinity of the Fermi level. The Fermi surface of $${rm UCoGa_{5}}$$ is quite similar to that of $${rm URhGa_{5}}$$, which are all small in size and closed in topology. $${rm UFeGa_{5}}$$ has the quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surface which looks like a lattice structure.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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