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Research progress on JT-60U in advanced steady-state operation


内藤 磨

Naito, Osamu


Recent research progress on JT-60U in advanced steady-state operation is presented. High fusion performance of $$Q_{DT} > 0.6$$ has been obtained in negative magnetic shear plasmas as well as in high-$$beta_{p}$$ H-mode. A negative shear discharge is shown to have enhanced core confinement. Its sustainment and compatibility with radiative divertor are also explored. Stability and confinement are improved in high triangularity operation and a noninductive discharge with high integrated performance has been achieved. The installation of negative-ion-based neutral beam injection system on JT-60U has been completed and beam injection into plasmas has been started. A preparation for the modification of the present JT-60U's open divertor to a W-shaped semi-closed divertor, and a conceptual design and R&D for JT-60 Super Upgrade are in pregress.



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