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Use of micro gas chromatography in the fuel cycle of fusion reactors


Laesser, R.*; Gruenhagen, S.*; 河村 繕範

Laesser, R.*; Gruenhagen, S.*; Kawamura, Yoshinori


Various analytical techniques exist to determine the compositions of gases handled in the fuel cycle of future fusion machines. Gas chromatography was found to be the most appropriate method. The main disadvantages of conventional gas chromatography were the long retention times for the heavy hydrogen species of more than half an hour. Recent progress in the development of micro-gas chromatography has reduced these retention times to approximately 3 minutes. The usefulness of micro-gas chromatography for the analysis of hydrogen and impurity gas mixtures in the fuel cycle of future fusion machines is presented and the advantages and draw backs are discussed.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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