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Topical understanding of nuclear material measurement$$cdot$$accountancy and quality assurance

Kikuchi, Masahiro*; Muraoka, Susumu*; Osabe, Takeshi*; Terada, Hiromi; Shimizu, Kenichi; Otani, Tetsuo*; Fujimaki, Kazunori*; Ishikawa, Tadatsugu*; Shinohara, Yoshinori*

Nuclear material measurement is an important measure to determine the amount of nuclear material of each stage such as receipt, shipment, inventory and hold-up. The material accountancy based on the material balance among the measurements is a measure to control of nuclear material. The material accountancy, from its technical aspect, can be used as promising measures for purposes from operator's level to state's level such as the nuclear safety, property control and environmental preservation other than safeguards measures only to conclude no diversion of nuclear material. This paper discusses various purposes of nuclear material measurements and clarifies the certain function to be expected at each purpose. Based on the discussion, critical points for the quality assurance of each stage are studied.



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