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Report No.

Data on test results of vessel cooling system of High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor

Saikusa, Akio* ; Nakagawa, Shigeaki  ; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Tachibana, Yukio ; Iyoku, Tatsuo

High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) is the first graphite-moderated helium gas cooled reactor in Japan. The rise-to-power test of the HTTR started on September 28,1999 and thermal power of the HTTR reached its full power of 30 MW on December 7, 2001. Vessel Cooling System (VCS) of the HTTR is a first Reactor Cavity Cooling System applied for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors. The VCS cools the core indirectly through the reactor pressure vessel to keep core integrity during the loss of core flow accidents such as depressurization accident. Minimum heat removal of the VCS to satisfy its safety requirement is 0.3MW at 30 MW power operation. Through the performance test of the VCS in the rise-to-power test of the HTTR, it is confirmed that the VCS heat removal at 30 MW power operation is higher than 0.3MW. This paper shows outline of the VCS and test results on the VCS performance.



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