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Report No.

Fibrous iminodiacetic acid chelating cation exchangers with a rapid adsorption rate

Jo, Akinori*; Kugara, J.*; Trobradovic, H.*; Yamabe, Kazunori*; Sugo, Takanobu; Tamada, Masao; Kume, Tamikazu

Fibrous iminodiacetic acid cheating cation exchangers were derived from chloromethylstyrene radiation-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene filamentary fiber and its nonwoven cloth. Ligand contents and acid capacities of the resulting cation exchangers were ca. 2 mmol/g and ca. 4 mmol/g for the filamentary fiber and for the non-woven cloth, respectively. The selectivity sequence of nonwoven cloth shape for dialect metal ions is Mg(II) $$sim$$ Ca(II) $$<$$ Co(II) $$sim$$ Zn(II) $$<$$ Cd(II) $$sim$$ Ni(II) $$<$$ Pb(II) $$<$$ Cu(II). Capacities in mmol/g at pH 5 were Ca(II) 0.91, Mg(II) 0.98, Cd(II) 1.5, Ni(II) 1.5, Pb(II) 1.6, Cu(II) 1.8. Column mode for filamentary fiber shape revealed that breakthrough capacities for Cu(II) (ca. 1 mmol/g) were not dependent on flow rates up to 200 $$sim$$ 300 h$$^{-1}$$ in space velocity.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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