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Report No.

Relativistic band-structure calculations for CeTIn$$_5$$(T=Ir and Co) and analysis of the energy bands by using tight-binding method

Maehira, Takahiro; Hotta, Takashi; Ueda, Kazuo; Hasegawa, Akira*

In order to investigate electronic properties of recently discovered heavy fermion superconductors CeTIn$$_5$$ (T=Ir and Co), we employ the relativistic linear augmented-plane-wave (RLAPW) method to clarify the energy band structures and Fermi surfaces of those materials.The obtained energy bands mainly due to the large hybridization between Ce $$4f$$ and In 5$$p$$ states well reproduce the Fermi surfaces consistent with the de Haas-van Alphen experimental results. For the purpose, we construct a tight-binding model for CeTIn$$_5$$ by including $$f$$-$$f$$ and $$p$$-$$p$$ hoppings as well as $$f$$-$$p$$ hybridization, which are expressed by the Slater-Koster integrals, determined by the direct comparison with the band-calculation result. Similarity and difference between CeIrIn$$_5$$ and CeCoIn$$_5$$ are discussed based on the obtained tight-binding model, suggesting a significant importance of the effect of crystalline electric field to understand the difference in electronic properties among CeTIn$$_5$$.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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