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Report No.

Low power test of RFQ mock-up modules at 175MHz for IFMIF project

Maebara, Sunao; Morishita, Takatoshi; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Takeuchi, Hiroshi; Sazawa, Shingo*; Saigusa, Mikio*

It is indispensable to obtain the technical know-how of the IFMIF RFQ design in the development of RFQ system. It is very important to determine the mesh size in analysis code of the RFQ design. The design of 175MHz RFQ mock-up modules has been done by MAFIA code. Based on this design, the 175MHz RFQ mock-up which consists of two end-plate modules and RFQ modules are fabricated for low power tests. The resonant frequencies have been measured in RFQ length of 1.1m and 2.1m.The measured frequencies are in a good agreement with the calculated values within 1MHz when the mesh size is 1/350 of the longitudinal length.



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