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Report No.

Population kinetics of lithiumlike and berylliumlike ions in low temperature dense recombining plasma

Kawachi, Tetsuya

A collisional-radiative model for the lithium-like and beryllium-like ions has been constructed. In this model, virtually all the doubly excited levels of the beryllium-like ions are taken into account. Time-differential coupled rate equatios for the level populations of the liyjium-like and beryllium-like ions are solved under a recombining plasma condition, and the population kinetics of these ions, especially for the validity of quasi-steady state(QSS) approximation and the population flux into and out of excited levels, is discussed. Temporal evolution of gains of the lithium-like aluminum laser is also calculated, and the result indicates the gain is generated before the establishment of the QSS condition.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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