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Report No.

Development of fission source acceleration method for slow convergence in criticality analyses by using matrix eigenvector applicable to spent fuel transport cask with axial burnup profile

Kuroishi, Takeshi; Nomura, Yasushi

Effective source acceleration method is studied in criticality safety analysis for realistic spent fuel transport cask. Various axial burnup profiles based on in-core flux measurements are proposed in the OECD/NEA/BUC benchmark Phase II-C. In some cases, calculations by ordinary Monte Carlo method show very slow convergence of fission source distribution, and unacceptably large skipped cycles are needed. The matrix eigenvector calculation that has been developed and incorporated in the ordinary Monte Carlo calculation to improve the slow convergence is applied to the benchmark. The efficiency of this method depends on the precision of matrix elements. In a certain stage of insufficient convergence of fission source distribution, especially for this benchmark of very slow convergence, more acceleration procedure causes anomalous results because of large statistical fluctuations of matrix elements corresponding to low source levels. Therefore, we propose effective source acceleration method with less calculation time than increasing histories for the estimation of matrix elements.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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