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Report No.

Investigation of irradiation behavior of SiC-coated fuel particle at extended burnup

Sawa, Kazuhiro; Tobita, Tsutomu*

The maximum burnup of the first-loading fuel of the HTTR is limited to 3.6%FIMA to certify its integrity during the operation. In order to investigate fuel behavior under extended burnup condition, irradiation tests were performed. The thickness of buffer and SiC layers of the irradiated fuel particles were increased to keep their integrity up to over 5%FIMA. The fuel compacts were irradiated in independent capsules at the HFIR of ORNL, and at the JMTR of JAERI, respectively. The comparison of measured and calculated (R/B)s showed that additional failures occurred in both irradiation tests. A pressure vessel failure model analysis showed that no tensile stresses acted on the SiC layers even at the end of irradiation and no pressure vessel failure occurred in the intact particles. The presumed failure mechanisms are additional through-coatings failure of as-fabricated SiC-failed particles or an excessive increase of internal pressure by the accelerated irradiation. The further study is needed to clarify the failure mechanism.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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