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Report No.

Direct synthesis of adsorbent having phosphoric acid with radiation induced graftpolymerization

Basuki, F.*; Seko, Noriaki; Tamada, Masao; Sugo, Takanobu; Kume, Tamikazu

Radiation induced graftpolymerization is a sophisticated tool for introducing the aiming functional group into the conventional polymer. Adsorbent having phosphoric acid was directly synthesized by grafting methacrylate monomer having phosphoric acid onto polyethylene nonwoven fabric. Degree of grafting, which was estimated by increment weight after grafting, reached 185 % when the 10 % monomer in the mixture of 10 % methanol and 90 % water was reacted with 200 kGy-irradiated polyethylene nonwoven fabric. The resulting adsorbent revealed that adsorption capacities were 3 mmol/g-adsorbent for Pb and Cd. The removal of these metals could be performed with space velocity of 250 h$$^{-1}$$.



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