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Report No.

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes; 2001

Akiyama, Mitsunaga*; Katakura, Fumishige*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Tsuruoka, Takuya*; Adachi, Masaaki*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Kume, Etsuo 

Several computer codes in the nuclear field have been vectorized, parallelized and transported on the supar computer system at Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. We dealt with 10 codes in fiscal 2001. In this report, the parallelization of Newtron Radiography for 3 dimensional CT code NR3DCT, the vectorization of Unsteady-state heat conduction code THERMO3D, the porting of initial program of MHD simulation, the tuning of Heat And Mass Balance Analysis Code HAMBAC, the porting and parallelization of Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code MCNP4C3, the porting and parallelization of Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport code system MCNPX2.1.5, the porting of code CINAC-V4, the porting of Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement Amber5 code system, the part of additional VisLink library Multidimensional Two-fluid model code ACD3D and the porting of experiment data processing code for GS8500 to SR8000 are described.



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