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Report No.

Development of Environmental Dose Assessment System (EDAS) code for PC version

Taki, Mitsumasa; Kikuchi, Masamitsu; Kobayashi, Hideo*; Yamaguchi, Takenori

A computer code (EDAS) was developed to assess the public dose for the safety assessment to get the license of nuclear reactor operation. This code system is used for the safety analysis of public around the nuclear reactor in case of normal operation and severe accident. This code was revised and composed for personal computer user according to the Nuclear Safety Guidelines reflected the ICRP1990 recommendation. These guidelines are revised by Nuclear Safety Commission on March, 2001, which are “Weather analysis guideline for the safety assessment of nuclear power reactor", “ Public dose around the facility assessment guideline corresponding to the objective value for nuclear power light water reactor" and “Public dose assessment guideline for safety review of nuclear power light water reactor". This code has been already opened for public user by JAERI, and English version code and user manual are prepared moreover. This English version code is helpful for international cooperation concerning the nuclear safety assessment with JAERI.



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