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 年 ~ 

Radiochemical reactions between tritium oxides and carbon monoxide


洲 亘; 大平 茂; 鈴木 卓美; 西 正孝

Shu, Wataru; Ohira, Shigeru; Suzuki, Takumi; Nishi, Masataka


As a study on radiochemical reactions in the process of tritium recovery from the in-vessel components of future deuterium-tritium fusion machine like ITER beta-induced reactions in a N$$_{2}$$-balanced system of tritium oxides (T$$_{2}$$O/T$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$) with CO were examined by laser Raman, Fourier transition infrared (FT-IR) and mass spectroscopy. The depletion of CO follows a first-order reaction with a rate constant of 0.02 day$$^{-1}$$, whereas the formation of CO$$_{2}$$ is a complex process whose rate constant decreases from 2 day$$^{-1}$$ to 0.02 day$$^{-1}$$. The main species on the 49th day after mixing CO are the produced CO$$_{2}$$ and the balanced gas (N$$_{2}$$) in the gaseous phase, and the tritiated water predominates in the condensed phase. Tritiated substances like aldehyde, alcohol and carboxylic acid found in T$$_{2}$$-CO system were not detected in the products of reactions between tritium oxides and carbon monoxide at the same detection limit.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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