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Report No.

Measurement of doppler effect on resonance materials for ROX fuel using FCA

Ando, Masaki  ; Nakano, Yoshihiro ; Okajima, Shigeaki  ; Kawasaki, Kenji

The objectives of this study is to clarify calculation accuracy for the Doppler effect of the resonance materials; erbium (Er), tungsten (W) and thorium (ThO$$_{2}$$). Doppler effect measurements were carried out in a fast neutron spectrum (XX-2 core) and in an intermediate neutron spectrum (XXI-1D2 core) by the sample-heated and reactivity worth measurement method up to 800$$^{circ}$$C using FCA. The experiment was analyzed with the standard analysis method for fast reactor cores at FCA with the use of the JENDL-3.2. The SRAC system was also used to investigate the calculation accuracy of the system and to compare it with that of the FCA standard analysis method. The standard analysis method underestimated for the XX-2 core and agreed the experiments within the experimental errors for the XXI-1D2 core. The analysis with the SRAC system gave smaller values by 3%$$sim$$10% for the Er sample and bigger values by 2%$$sim$$5% for the W sample than the standard analysis method.



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