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Report No.

Effects of process parameters of the IS process on total thermal efficiency to produce hydrogen from water

Kasahara, Seiji  ; Hwang, G.*; Nakajima, Hayato; Choi, H.*; Onuki, Kaoru; Nomura, Mikihiro

Thermal efficiency of the IS thermochemical hydrogen production process was evaluated. Sensitivities of operation conditions (HI conversion ratio, pressure and reflux ratio at HI distillation and concentration of HI after EED) and nonidealities of the process (electric energy loss in EED, loss at heat exchangers and loss of waste heat recovery as electricity) were investigated. Concentration of HI after EED had the most significant effect of 13.3 % on thermal efficiency in operation conditions. Nonidealities had importance on thermal efficiency. Thermal efficiency was 56.8 % with optimized operation conditions and no nonidealities.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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