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Conceptual design of spectrum changeable neutron calibration fields in JAERI/FRS


三枝 純; 谷村 嘉彦   ; 吉澤 道夫  ; 吉田 真

Saegusa, Jun; Tanimura, Yoshihiko; Yoshizawa, Michio; Yoshida, Makoto


For the accurate estimation of neutron dose equivalents, it is important to calibrate dosemeters in the field whose energy spectrum is similar to that in the workplace. For the purpose, studies are made toward the built of the spectrum changeable neutron calibration fields with the Van-de-Graff accelerator in the FRS in JAERI. The fields are produced by bombarding proton or deuteron beam from the accelerator to suitable targets surrounded by quasi-cylindrical moderators and absorbers of various materials. In the fields, neutron spectra with wide range energy index should be provided with sufficient fluence rate for the calibration of dosemeters. The objectives and conceptual design of the fields are discussed here, followed by the test simulation results of neutron spectra produced by various arrangements of a target and moderators.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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