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Report No.

Study on the stress corrosion cracking of zirconium in nuclear fuel reprocessing environment

Kato, Chiaki   

This study is investigation about stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of zirconium in nuclear fuel reprocessing. Chapter 1 is described background. Chapter 2 is explained experimental apparates. Chapter 3 is described the increased oxidization potential on the heat-transfer surface and suggested the initiation of SCC on a boiling heat-transfer surface. Chapter 4 is described that the SCC susceptibility increased with increasing nitric acid concentration and solution temperature on notched specimen by SSRT. In addition, the SCC susceptibility effected by the crystal anisotropy by the hot rolling direction and increased on a parallel face to the rolling direction. Chapter 5 is described that the SCC susceptibility increased in HAZ/base metal boundary in order to the preferential orientation of cleavage plane (0002). Chapter 6 is described that the increased oxidization potential on the heat-transfer surface is attributed to the reduction of nitrous acid concentration by the thermal decomposition on the surface and the removal of the decomposition product from solution by boiling bubbles.



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