※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of EC launcher and diamond window for ITER


高橋 幸司; 坂本 慶司; 今井 剛; 春日井 敦; Heidinger, R.*; Thumm, M.*; Moeller, C. P.*

Takahashi, Koji; Sakamoto, Keishi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Kasugai, Atsushi; Heidinger, R.*; Thumm, M.*; Moeller, C. P.*


A front steering (FS) launcher and a remote steering (RS) one have been studied for ITER. In the analysis of a mirror(Cu alloy) for FS launcher, max. temperature of 333$$^{circ}$$C and max. induced stress of 136MPa, less than allowable stress(200MPa), were obtained at the mirror surface under 1MW/1line in CW operation. The efficient transmission ($$eta$$$$>$$95%) at -12$$^{circ}$$$$<$$$$theta$$$$<$$12$$^{circ}$$ and 170GHz was performed for both polarizations in the experiments of a square corrugated waveguide for the RS launcher. RF and pressure tests of the diamond window irradiated by neutron were carried under JA/EU(FZK) collaboration. Neutron fluence of the window was 10$$^{21}$$n/m$$^{2}$$, whereas the estimated annual fluence at the window position is 10$$^{18}$$$$sim$$10$$^{19}$$n/m$$^{2}$$. Transmission of 0.48MW-30sec and 0.2MW-132sec were performed. It was successfully demonstrated that the irradiated window withstood 0.4MPa, which was twice higher than the ITER requirement. Diamond windows are applicable for ITER.



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