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Report No.

Mass-spectrometric study of PuCd$$_{2}$$

Nakajima, Kunihisa  ; Arai, Yasuo; Yamashita, Toshiyuki

PuCd$$_{2}$$ intermetallic compound was prepared by heating pure Pu and Cd metals at about 950K. PuCd$$_{2}$$ was found to be a prototype of CdI$$_{2}$$ by means of powder X-ray diffractometry. Mass-spectrometric experiment was performed in the temperature range of 650-770K. It was found that the vapor pressures of Cd over PuCd$$_{2}$$+Pu were three to five orders of magnitude lower than those over Cd in this temperature range. From these vapor pressures, Gibbs free energy of formation of PuCd$$_{2}$$ was evaluated.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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