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Report No.

Measurement of $$B(M1)$$ for the $$pi p_{3/2} nu p_{1/2}^{-1}$$ doublet in $$^{68}$$Cu

Hou, L.; Ishii, Tetsuro  ; Asai, Masato  ; Hori, Junichi; Ogawa, Kengo*; Nakada, Hitoshi*

Lifetimes of excited states in $$^{68}$$Cu were measured by the $$gamma$$-$$gamma$$-$$t$$ coincidence with two BaF$$_{2}$$ detectors through the decay of $$^{68}$$Cu$$^{m}$$ produced by the ($$n$$,$$p$$) reaction. The halflife of the 2$$^{+}$$ state at 84~keV was obtained as 7.84(8)~ns, corresponding to the $$B(M1; 2^{+}rightarrow1^{+} )$$ value of 0.00777(8)~$$mu_{N}^{2}$$. A shell model calculation with a minimum model space of $$pi p_{3/2}nu p_{1/2}^{-1}$$ gives a good prediction of this $$B(M1)$$ value by using experimental g-factors of neighboring nuclei. This small $$B(M1)$$ value can be explained by a shell model calculation with the $$f_{7/2}^{-r}(p_{3/2} f_{5/2}p_{1/2})^{n+r} (r=0,1)$$ model space.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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