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Report No.

An Investigation into dissolution rate of spent nuclear fuel in aqueous reprocessing

Mineo, Hideaki  ; Isogai, Hikaru; Morita, Yasuji  ; Uchiyama, Gunzo* 

A simple equation was proposed for the dissolution rate of spent LWR fuel, of which the change in the dissolution area was estimated by taking into account of the area of the cracks occurring due to thermal shrinkage of the pellets during irradiation. The applicability of proposed equation was examined using LWR fuel dissolution test results in the present study as well as the results obtained by other workers. The equation showed good agreements with the dissolution test results obtained from spent fuel pellets and pulverized spent fuel. It was indicated that the proposed equation was simple and would be useful for the prediction of dissolution of spent LWR fuels. However, the initial effective dissolution area, the parameter of the equation, was found to depend on the temperature, which could not be explained by the proposed equation. Further studies on the role of other factors affecting dissolution rate, such as nitrous acid, in the dissolution of spent fuel was required.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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