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Ga and Pt NMR study of UPtGa$$_{5}$$ and UNiGa$$_{5}$$

Kato, Harukazu; Sakai, Hironori; Tokunaga, Yo  ; Tokiwa, Yoshifumi; Ikeda, Shugo; Onuki, Yoshichika; Kambe, Shinsaku  ; Walstedt, R. E.

Ga and Pt NMR measurements have been carried out for two isomorphs compounds, UPtGa$$_{5}$$ and UNiGa$$_{5}$$, which indicate different magnetic structures below T$$_{N}$$. Knight shift K measurements in the paramagnetic region are reported here. Transferred hyperfine coupling constants at Ga and Pt sites are determined. The temperature independent part K$$_{0}$$ of K, which probes the conduction electron polarization at the ligand site, has successfully evaluated. An nearly identical conduction electron structure in the paramagnetic region is suggested for the both compounds. The origin of the different magnetic structure is discussed.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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