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Real-time monitoring of oxidation processes on the Si(001) surface using O$$_{2}$$ gas under 1000 K by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy

Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Moritani, Kosuke; Teraoka, Yuden

The Si(001) oxidaion is an important reaction for not only semiconductor technology but also surface science. It is known that the growth mode forming oxide-layers is divided into two regions depending on surface temperature conditions. One is passive oxidation and the other is two dimensional island growth including SiO desorption. Since the oxygen uptake measurements have been measured in many reported studies, Si oxidatuion states related to the growth of oxide-layers have not been clarified yet. In order to measure the time evolution of Si oxidation states depending on the surface temperature, we have performed the real-time photoemission measurements using synchrotron radiation at SUREAC2000 in SPring-8 . We found that the Si$$^{4+}$$ states was formed at the early oxidation stage in the two dimiensional island regions.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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