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Report No.

Gamma-ray irradiation experiment of turbo molecular pump

Kinsho, Michikazu  ; Ogiwara, Norio; Wada, Kaoru*; Yoshida, Motoo*; Nakayasu, Tatsuo*; Yamato, Yukio*

The turbo molecular pump which can be operated exposed to high radiation has been developing at JAERI and Osaka Vacuum Ltd., because it is planed to use this turbo molecular pump for the 3GeV-RCS of the J-PARC project. The goal of irradiation dose is 30 MGy because the cumulative energy dose due to radiation is approximately estimated to be on the order of 100 MGy for 30 years of the 3GeV-RCS operation. In order to know radiation damage of turbo molecular pump, gamma-ray irradiation experiment has been performed at JAERI. The turbo molecular pump could operate properly less than 3.5 MGy absorption dose under gamma-ray irradiation environment. Since the elongation of elastomer vacuum seals became small due to exposed to radiation, this radiation damage of elastomer seals causes leak. The turbo molecular pump components except the elasomer seals, for example motor coil, control sensor, and etc, have kept high performance more than 7 MGy absorption dose. The turbo molecular pump without elastomer seals has been developed and the irradiation test will be started form April.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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