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Report No.

Single crystal growth and magnetic properties of 5$$f$$-itinerant antiferromagnet UPdGa$$_5$$

Ikeda, Shugo; Metoki, Naoto   ; Haga, Yoshinori   ; Kaneko, Koji; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Onuki, Yoshichika; Galatanu, A.

A single crystal of uranium ternary intermetallic compound UPdGa$$_5$$ was grown by the Ga self-flux method. The magnetic susceptibility showed a weak temperature dependence and small anisotropy, consistent with an itinerant character of 5$$f$$ electrons. We observed a clear drop in the susceptibility and electrical resistivity below the N$'{e}$el temperature $$T_{rm N}$$= 31 K. The magnetic structure was studied by means of a neutron diffraction measurement. We observed an antiferromagnetic peak with the propagation vector $textbf{textit{Q}}$=[0,0,1/2]. The uranium 5$$f$$ moment of 0.33$$mu_{rm B}$$/U parallel to the $$c$$-axis was found to order ferromagnetically in the basal $$c$$-plan and coupled antiferromagnetically along the $$c$$-axis.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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