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Report No.

Proceedings of the International Symposium: Transfer of Radionuclides in Biosphere, Prediction and Assessment; Mito, December 18-19, 2002

Amano, Hikaru; Uchida, Shigeo*

The International Symposium : Transfer of Radionuclides in Biosphere, Prediction and Assessment was held at Mito on the 18th and 19th of Dec. 2002. This Symposium was organized by the Interchange Committee on Radionuclide Transfer in Soil Ecosphere. This project is the 3rd Phase Crossover Research, which is engaged in cooperation with five organizations:JAERI, MRI, NIRS, RIKEN and IES. The main objective of this symposium is to discuss and exchange recent findings and ideas in the area of the behavior and transfer of radionuclides in biosphere. One of the important topics in this symposium is to discuss a suitable transfer model and transfer parameters which may be adapted for Southeast Asian countries including Japan, as environmental conditions and foodstuffs in this region are significantly different from those in Europe and North America. The symposium consisted of 12 invited lectures and 44 poster presentations. The 120 participants attended the symposium, including 19 foreigners coming from 12 countries.



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