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Development of a code MOGRA for predicting the migration of ground additions and its application to various land utilization areas


天野 光; 高橋 知之*; 内田 滋夫*; 松岡 俊吾*; 池田 浩*; 林 寛子*; 黒澤 直弘*

Amano, Hikaru; Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Uchida, Shigeo*; Matsuoka, Shungo*; Ikeda, Hiroshi*; Hayashi, Hiroko*; Kurosawa, Naohiro*

環境中に放出される放射性核種等の環境負荷物質について、挙動を予測するための汎用計算コードシステムMOGRAを開発した。MOGRAは動的コンパートメントモデルを基本とし、コンパートメント内の物質量が時間で変動する系を解析できる。MOGRA はPC上で放射性核種等の挙動が評価できるシステムであり、使い易さを基本としGUIやMOGRA用に開発した種々のデータベースを用いることができる。複数の土地利用形態から構成される仮想的陸域環境が$$^{137}$$Csで汚染したと仮定してMOGRAの機能試験を行い、正常に作動することを確認した。

MOGRA is a migration prediction code for toxic ground additions including radioactive materials in a terrestrial environment. MOGRA consists of computational codes that are applicable to various evaluation target systems, and can be used on personal computers. The computational code has the dynamic compartment analysis block, GUI for computation parameter settings and results displays, data bases. The compartments are obtained by classifying various natural environments into groups that exhibit similar properties. A hypothetical combination of land usage was supposed to check the function of MOGRA. The land usage was consisted from cultivated lands, forests, uncultivated lands, urban area, river, and lake. Each land usage has its own inside model which is basic module. Also supposed was homogeneous contamination of the surface land from atmospheric deposition of $$^{137}$$Cs (1.0 Bq/m$$^{2}$$). The system analyzed the dynamic changes of $$^{137}$$Cs concentrations in each compartment, fluxes from one compartment to another compartment.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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