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Report No.

Recent status of research activities for development of CTBT-related technologies in JAERI

Hirota, Naoki*; Hokida, Takanori; Inoue, Yoji; Kumata, Masahiro; Kurosawa, Yoshiaki; Miyamoto, Yutaka   ; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Oda, Tetsuzo; Shinohara, Nobuo ; Uchikoshi, Takako*; Yamamoto, Yoichi 

This report describes research activities of the R & D Group for Non-Proliferation Technology related to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) verification regime. The main subjects of this report are (1) an overview of the CTBT verification regime, (2) preparation of the National Data Center for radionuclide data, (3) construction and operation of the radionuclide monitoring stations at Takasaki and Okinawa and the certified rarionuclide laboratory at Tokai in Japan. We have participated in an intercomparison test internationally organized for the certified laboratories and the test results are given here. Scientific application of the CTBT-related technologies to environmental researches is also depicted.



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