Study on gas-liquid two-phase flow distribution in a tight-lattice rod bundle
大貫 晃; 柴田 光彦 ; 玉井 秀定; 秋本 肇; 山内 豊明*; 溝上 伸也*
Onuki, Akira; Shibata, Mitsuhiko; Tamai, Hidesada; Akimoto, Hajime; Yamauchi, Toyoaki*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Analytical evaluation of maximum critical power by so-called subchannnel code is indispensable for design of reduced moderation water reactor. In this study, two-phase flow distribution in a tight-lattice rod bundle is investigated using 19-rod bundle experimental rig and subchannnel analysis code NASCA. The flow distribution was measured under so-called churn flow regime and the predictive capability of NASCA was assessed. NASCA can predict the flow distribution qualitatively depending on local pressure drop. Quantitative prediction is also reasonable for liquid phase but the gas phase distribution was underestimated. Void-drift model has a dominant contribution and we should improve the model for the tight-lattice rod bundle.