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Report No.

Study on structural integrity evaluation of core shroud based on crack growth analysis (Contract research)

Onizawa, Kunio ; Tsutsumi, Hideaki*; Suzuki, Masahide; Shibata, Katsuyuki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi  ; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Tsukada, Takashi ; Nakajima, Hajime*

Concerning the cracks due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) observed on the core shrouds of BWRs, a study was conducted on structural integrity evaluation based on crack growth analysis. The cracks investigated were those observed on the regions of lower ring and support ring of the core shroud at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Unit-3, and that on the middle shell region of the core shroud at Fukushima Daiichi NPS Unit-4 of Tokyo Electric Power Company. It was confirmed through data analysis of past SCC growth rate experiments applicable to the condition of the ring regions that the SCC growth rate prescribed in the JSME rule was conservative. The analysis on the core shroud rigidity with a crack indicated that the rigidity reduction was small enough not to affect the dynamic seismic response for the regions studied. Through the comparison of the required area in a cracked section or the allowable crack length, and crack growth analysis results, it was confirmed that the integrity of the core shrouds would be maintained even 4 effective full power years later.



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