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Report No.

Geometrical improvements of rotational stabilization of high-$$n$$ ballooning modes in tokamaks

Furukawa, Masaru; Tokuda, Shinji; Wakatani, Masahiro*

We have found numerically that damping phases appear in the time evolution of the perturbation energy of high-$$n$$ ballooning modes in the presence of toriodal flow shear, where n is a toroidal mode number. The damping dominates exponential growth which occurs in the bad curvature region, resulting in stabilization of ballooning modes. D-shaping of plasma cross-section, reduction of aspect ratio, and arrangement of an X-point at inner side of the torus enhance the stabilization effect of the toroidal flow shear through this mechanism.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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