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Report No.

Influence of H and He on corrosion behavior of ion irradiated stainless steel

Nemoto, Yoshiyuki  ; Miwa, Yukio; Tsuji, Hirokazu; Tsukada, Takashi ; Abe, Hiroaki*; Sekimura, Naoto*

The aim of this work is to evaluate corrosion behavior of irradiated materials for mechanistic understanding of irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC). Solution annealed high purity Fe-18Cr-12Ni specimens were used in this study. H and He were implanted during irradiation with 12MeV Ni$$^{3+}$$ ion at 573K. After corrosion procedure, the specimens were examined with atomic force microscope (AFM) to evaluate corrosion behavior. It was shown that the corroded volume of irradiated area increased with radiation damage. H implantation at lower temperature accelerated corrosion. He implantation suppressed corrosion.



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