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Report No.

Development of workstation-based CAMAC data acquisition system for JT-60 data processing system

Sato, Minoru; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Iwasaki, Keita*; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Iba, Katsuyuki; Ozeki, Takahisa

Data processing system in JT-60 has been used CAMAC widely for control and data acquisition of plasma diagnostic. However, it has passed over fifteen years from the operation, and the problem is caused for maintenance and function enhancement by the deterioration. Then, Mini-computer and microcomputer ,which control the CAMAC system were replaced workstation based on UNIX-OS, and these system were remodeled by developing the application software for screen control by GUI and for constructing environment of remote diagnostic through the network. In addition, CAMAC device driver for Linux has been developed in for next CAMAC control system.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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