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Report No.

Photoemission study of the translational energy induced oxidation processes on Cu(111)

Moritani, Kosuke; Okada, Michio*; Sato, Seiichi*; Goto, Seishiro*; Kasai, Toshio*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Teraoka, Yuden

We studied the oxidation of Cu{111} surface with a hyperthermal O$$_{2}$$ molecular beam (HOMB) using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with a synchrotron radiation (SR) source. The efficiency of oxidation with 0.6-eV-HOMB is higher thab that with 2.3-eV-HOMB under $$theta$$ $$leq$$ 0.5ML. Ont the other hand, further oxidation occurs rather inefficiency under $$theta$$ $$geq$$ 0.5ML. In this region, efficiency of oxidation with 2.3-eV-HOMB is higher than 0.6-eV-HOMB. We found that such slow oxidation process of Cu can be interpreted in terms of a collision-induced-adsorption mechanism. These results suggest that we can control the oxidation process of Cu by using HOMB.



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Category:Materials Science, Coatings & Films



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