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Radiation resistivity of polymeric materials with data tables


Center for Proton Accelerator Facilities Planning group


This document presents radiation resistivity of various polymeric materials with collected data tables that are the candidate materials to be used in the High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility Project, J-PARC, which is to produce MW-class high power proton beams. The effect of radiation damage and deterioration by loss-beam or secondary particle beam influences the performance and the reliability of various instruments. The radiation damage consists of mechanical property, electrical property and gas-evolution property, and these properties depend entirely upon the kind of radiation, energy and dose intensity. The first part of this document methodically introduces the general feature of polymer and its radiation-induced deterioration mechanisms, and the second part of the document shows the compiled data for irradiation effects of polymeric materials. The sources of the data are the published reports from the worldwide references.



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