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Report No.

Development of ITER divertor vertical target with annular flow concept, 2; Development of brazing technique for CFC/CuCrZr joint and heating test of large-scale mock-up

Ezato, Koichiro; Dairaku, Masayuki; Taniguchi, Masaki; Sato, Kazuyoshi; Suzuki, Satoshi; Akiba, Masato; Ibbott, C.*; Tivey, R.*

The first fabrication and heating test of a large-scale CFC monoblock divertor mock-up using annular flow concept have been performed to demonstrate its manufacturability and thermo-mechanical performance. Prior to the fabrication of the mock-up, brazed joint tests between the CFC monoblock and the CuCrZr tube have been carried out to find the suitable heat treatment mitigating loss of the high mechanical strength of the CuCrZr material. Basic mechanical examination on CuCrZr undergoing the brazing heat treatment and FEM analyses are also performed to support the design of the mock-up. High heat flux tests on the large-scale divertor mock-up have been performed in an ion beam facility. The mock-up has successfully withstood more than 1,000 thermal cycles of $$rm 20 MW/m^2$$ for 15 s and 3,000 cycles more than $$rm 10 MW/m^2$$ for 15 s, which simulates the heat load condition of the ITER divertor. No degradation of the thermal performance of the mock-up has been observed throughout the thermal cycle test.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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