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核融合研究開発専門部会評価結果報告書, 平成15年度事前評価; 評価対象:炉心プラズマ研究部,核融合装置試験部

Report of the evaluation by the Ad Hoc Review Committee on Nuclear Fusion Research and Development, Ex-ante evaluation in fiscal year 2003; Target of evaluation: Department of Fusion Plasma Research and Development, Department of Fusion Facilities


Research Evaluation Committee


The Research Evaluation Committee set up an Ad Hoc Review Committee on Nuclear Fusion Research and Development in accordance with the "Fundamental Guideline for the Evaluation of Research and Development" in order to evaluate the adequacy of the R&D programs to be implemented for five years starting from Fiscal Year 2004 at Department of Fusion Plasma Research and Department of Fusion Facilities in Naka Research Establishment. The Ad Hoc Committee consisted of eight specialists from outside of JAERI. The Ad Hoc Committee conducted its activities from May to July 2003. The evaluation was performed on the basis of the materials submitted in advance and of the oral presentations made at the meeting which was held on June 9th 2003, in line with items, viewpoints, and criteria. The result of the evaluation by the Ad Hoc Committee was submitted to the Research Evaluation Committee, and was aproved to be appropriate at the meeting held on August 4th 2003. This report publishes the result of the evaluation by the Ad Hoc Committee on Nuclear Fusion Research and Development.



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